Wasn't life so much easier when you were a child? Would anyone volunteer to got through their teenage years? No, I tell you. Definitely not. Whatever type of teenager you are, problems are always posed for you at every turning. If you're a plastic, there's always the realisation that the world doesn't actually love you, for the plastic wannabes, it's the realisation that the plastics don't love you, and if you're a geek, its the realisation that whatever you want during your school life, you're so shy that some bitch is going to get there first, and if you're in the middle and care about nobody, it's that your social status actually bores you stupid. Now, as a mixture of a geek and the latter, Comprehensive school life sure is fun. All the positive sides of just you and your small group of friends are amazing, but when you want something more, it's impossible for you to step past the same record of boys onto something that you think coul
d be better because you're too shy to go any further and by the time you've plucked up the courage, some plastic has got him, slept with him and then slapped you thrice around the face with their chicken fillets for trying to get close! This is only my school, but I'm sure that so many others have the same problem; it can't just be our group, seriously, can it? As two people, me and my best friend are the prime example of the above, prompting me to start a blog. I have been in love with my first boyfriend for four years now, and keep thinking I'm over him, but then something happens and I'm never sure whether I am entirely or not. But occasionally, someone will come along and you think that maybe they can change that. For me, this is certainly the case, and I would give anything to get closer to him. Cue plastic. How long have you known him?
One week.
Have I ever seen him talk to you?
That's a no.
Do you want him?
Is it because your group are somehow teleopathic and so know I want him and want to get there first? Most probably.
I suppose all I can do is try. Any ideas?
And that's just me. I've just had a call from my best friend, saying that she has got with a guy who I'm sure she doesn't love, and has allowed it because she is "happy for now." Of course, all I want from life is for her to be happy but I honestly don't think she is, due to the fact that she hated him yesterday! Only 24 short hours ago was she saying to me "I need to find someone knew and put all of the past guys out of my head. Can you control my relationships from now on please?" This request has since been withdrawn as she knows how much of a creep I think her new boyfriend is, and if Emilyland existed, this relationship would never be allowed - think of him exiled possibly? And all of this because we're not plastic enough for any guys to notice - i.e: my boobs and nose are both real. You would never believe that all of this is just simple school life! You could never pay anyone enough to be a teenage girl.
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